
Mukpo Institute

Karmê Chöling is host to Mukpo Institute, a three-month path of practice, study, and community. The program focuses on putting your practice and study into action every day as you engage in the daily life of a community dedicated to creating enlightened society — one breath at a time.

Mukpo Institute offers profound support for bringing the path of meditation to daily life. With experienced teachers and a curriculum designed to encourage wholehearted engagement in today’s world, Mukpo students join together in retreats, study and the Karmê Chöling community.

The principle of Shambhala is that we all yearn to lead sane, engaged, dignified lives, and that this is possible. At the heart of Mukpo Institute are the Shambhala teachings as presented by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche.

From more information or to apply go to the Mukpo Institute website.