
The Stupa That Conquers All Directions

If wisdom can be embodied and manifested in architecture, it would be the stupa. The architecture of the stupa is transformative in nature. It changes the consciousness of all those who come into view of it, orienting them toward the view of basic and ultimate goodness in all things. — Dr. Eva Wong

As physical representations of the Buddhist ideal of enlightenment, stupas are embodied aspirations for increasing wisdom and compassion in the world. Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche has asked Karmê Chöling to build a stupa that will enable our unique and nurturing practice center to radiate out more fully to the world.

The Sakyong has given this stupa the name: The Stupa That Conquers All Directions. Please take a moment to enjoy a short address that the Sakyong has given regarding the role of this stupa for Karmê Chöling.

The stupa being built at Karmê Chöling will also commemorate memory and wisdom teachings of the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Karmê Chöling was the first teaching seat in North America of the Vidyadhara, Containing a number of his relics, The Stupa That Conquers All Directions will radiate the vision of basic goodness and enlightened society throughout our community and world.

Your support is vital in building and empowering The Stupa That Conquers All Directions.  The energy and potency of a stupa is directly related to the energy that we as a community put into it. Your gift will allow Karmê Chöling to express the unique vision of Shambhala and express the power of enlightened society though the sacred architecture of a stupa.

With your engagement and support, Karmê Chöling will be able to continue construction of the Shambhala mandala’s third stupa, initiating a new era of growth and expanding our capacity to continue making the world a better, kinder place.