
Home / Blog / Follow the Sun: A Global Nynthün from Karmê Chöling| Sept. 19-20

50 years ago, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche landed in North America and planted the seeds of outrageous sanity in the hearts and minds of a society that was churning with change and unrest.

Now, in this society that is churning with change and unrest, Karmê Chöling is celebrating this 50th anniversary with a global homage to outrageous sanity: We are hosting an online, 24-hour nynthün* that starts here in rural Vermont, where those seeds were first planted fifty years ago.

We will pass the umdze seat slowly westward and follow the Great Eastern Sun around the globe, through groups, centers, and the hearts of practitioners until we return to Karmê Chöling’s Main Shrine Room 24 hours later. No politics. No preaching. Just practice.

We would love to have you join us for an hour or two, or 15 minutes, or all 24 hours. So spread the word & save the date. 

REGISTER for the Global Nyinthun BY CLICKING HERE!


It’s free to participate in the Global Nyinthun, but generosity toward our 50th Anniversary is warmly welcomes. 

To Donate via the KCL webpage, Click Here

To Donate via Paypal, Click Here

To register for other 50th Anniversary Weekend (Sept. 17-22) Events, Click Here

* a nynthün is a meditation practice session that lasts a full day.


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